
5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Lift Off!

Posted by Rochelle Werthmann on August 30, 2012 0 Comments

Booby Trapper Australia is so excited to be launching our website! Things are in full swing with new product arriving that will soon be available in our online store, new stores contacting us to be retailers for us and two trips planned!

Keep an eye on our website for new patterns and fabrics soon and watch out on facebook for competitions to get our new patterns named!

Our retailers page will be updated soon to include 2 new stores to make your shopping easier. If you or someone else you know would like to retail the Booby Trapper in your area email or give us a call on 0423 444 299.

In a weeks time, we are jet setting to Sydney to attend the LCANZ Conference (Sept 7-9, 2012) to exhibit the Booby Trapper and let all of the deligates know about the unique design and even offer a few samples. If you are attending be sure to stop by to say hello and check out our fabulous cover in person.

In October, we are again up in the air heading to Melbourne this time to allow mums & mums-to-be the first look at the Booby Trapper in Melbourne. If you live in Melbourne get a free ticket to come and see us by click on the Pregnancy Babies and Children's Expo banner on our home page.




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